Thursday, December 22, 2011

$0.25 Ornaments, Customized!

Well I guess it's nearing that time . . . holiday and seasonal clearance. As the "big day" approaches, steeper discounts seem to be popping up to rid and thin stock of holiday ornaments and decor. Oddly enough, I never seem to take part in these great deals as I typically am buying new holiday decor at the beginning of the season and am "decor'd out" by the end. Perhaps I'll try to be a bit more attentive this year if I head out after the holidays to do any shopping.

In the meantime, I found these great little picture frame ornaments for 25 cents a piece at the local Dollar General store. I knew I wanted to use them this year with the silver and crystal theme I have going on indoors.

Hmmm, what to place within the frames? Photos? Cut up holiday cards? I knew I wanted something displayed within that would equally match the color story in the room. I remembered I had a silver metallic sharpie marker. I took out the front display paper in the frame and flipped it over, using the back as the "new" display surface. I used the silver marker to draw straight, diagonal, overlapping lines to create the look of brushed aluminum or nickel. I grabbed one of my many fine-point, black Sharpie markers (I love these things and use them like crazy) and wrote out some holiday words that came to mind.

Should I hang them on the fireplace mantel or set them amid the mantel's decor? Perhaps hang them vertically down a small wall area? That vertical look must have stuck in my mind. I looked at the grapevine tree and its somewhat plain trunk and thought, there is my vertical surface. I thought I was done with this tree, guess not. Now I am . . . I THINK?

I love the new shimmer these little frames give to what was a rather dark area on the tree.  Are you still "fussing around" with your Holiday or Christmas trees too?

Sharing this at:
The Shabby Creek Cottage - Transformation Thursday
The Crafty Nest - Do Something Crafty


  1. Great idea's for usage, other then photo's, would never have thought of that. Grapevine tree looks lovely with the new additions.

    Creative fun for a quarter, very nice!

  2. Hi John,

    Stopping by for the first time. Very nice place you have here! I have perused many of your posts and enjoyed each one. I see in your 'About' that you are from York, PA. I have visited there several times doing genealogy research. My dad's family lived in York County for many generations prior to moving to Philadelphia in the late 1800's. It was so interesting at the York County Historical Trust as well as visiting nearby cemeteries to see headstones from so long ago.

    Nice visiting with you!
    Kindly, Lorraine

  3. LUV THIS!!! You're so creative. As you saw, I'm still fussing with my Christmas decor too.

  4. This is awesome! I am your newest follower!


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