Saturday, November 5, 2011

Free Front Porch Art

The October snow storm created a mess around the property, but sometimes beauty can be made from wreckage. While cleaning up one of my fallen Mulberry trees, I saved numerous branches that were entwined with grapevine. This tree was just embedded with the vine; more than met the eye until the poor thing fell and had to be removed. Besides keeping some unique branches, many sections of large grapevine were saved and have already been meshed or braided to create an ornate entry arch (stay tuned for pics!)

I was trying to determine where to place my unique branches and also HOW to display them. It hit me all of a sudden to REUSE the REPURPOSED chimney toppers (pots) that I had used this Summer as decorative planters on my back deck. I put all of the outdoor stuff away a week or so back and had the chimney pots tucked away for Winter. I pulled one back out and used it as the base for the branches. I placed unique rocks and stones within the pot to support the branches. Viola! Instant FREE Art. It looks a bit like a modern art installation, yet keeping with the organic vibe I prefer. Various leaves, already gathered in the corner and strewn upon the porch were simply picked up and placed around the base for an Autumn touch.

Hmmmm, I'm liking this look so much I'm wondering if I'll replace it in a month with the lit evergreen trees typically displayed for the upcoming Holiday season.  It may have to become an indoor installation!

Update: The evergreens trees typically placed here, did not make an appearance during the 2011 holiday season. I liked the chimney pot so much I added a little holiday cheer to the ensemble.

Sharing this idea at:

Funky Junk Interiors - Saturday Nite Special

Featured On The Crafty NestThe Shabby Nest


  1. Another great idea & season for a free chimney topper display...BRANCH ART, nice view! Summer display with flowers now this. Keep it coming Frugal. Looking forward to your Xmas decorations & ideas, can't wait :)

  2. Your design style is so cohesive across all the things you do. I love all the natural accents.


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