Monday, September 26, 2011

IKEA's New Share Space Blog

If you are an IKEA fan, they finally have a blog for fan-based interaction.  The IKEA Share Space allows you to create a profile and upload pictures of your rooms or "Spaces" as IKEA prefers to call them, and tag the IKEA items you used in your Space; a cool feature.  The only thing is the item inventory for tagging seems to be somewhat limiting; most likely only 2011-2012 catalog items appear.  I used IKEA a lot when I started out with my homes and still use most of those items and furnishings to this day.  A few pieces were sold but it's cool to be able to upload the pictures and point out your IKEA items.  Too bad they don't allow you to type in the name of the "out-dated" items in the tag field or at least note what the heck the tag is referring to.  Oh well.  Now, if we can only get Pier 1 Imports to come up with something similar. I have much more items and furnishings from them that I would gladly show off.

Hmm, lots of items made it into this office.  An Ikea couch (no longer available), a small side table at the left of the door which is actually still available (a mere 12 years later) and the ever popular LACK collection side tables which I've placed together as a coffee table (also still available).

A small office chair to the right was from IKEA (no longer available) but the 3 track ceiling light is still there!  A small, silver 6 drawer filing cabinet sets off to the right of the picture (out of view) was a more recent IKEA purchase (within the past 2 years).  If they were closer, I'd probably have more of their items in my home.

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