Friday, September 30, 2011

Easy Autumn Inspiration Around the Home

It's easy to introduce Autumn into your home without cliche decorating of leaves and pumpkins.  How?  With color.  Purchase a few hand towels in burnt reds and golds to place by your sinks or add some orange to your sofa with a few, bold throw pillows if your current color scheme allows for it.  How else?  Nothing is better than a pumpkin spice candle burning this time of year to get you in the mood for the changing seasons.  Purchase a small one to place in the bath when company is visiting and a larger one for your kitchen counter or table display.  Of course, if you're in a baking mood, "ode-de-pumpkin pie" is unbeatable when it's the real deal!      

A pumpkin-orange hand towel and some harvest yellow soap add some
Fall color to this bathroom,  tying in nicely with the leaf-wrapped candle.

A family room's colors live up to the Autumn season with earthy orange and yellow.
Even the mottled cordovan color of the leather sofa speaks of Fall.  

A simple, pumpkin pie candle provides the color and smell that says "Autumn is Here."   

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