Monday, August 22, 2011

A "Sunny" Property

While taking photos for the new green living section of the website, I realized just how many celestial sun items as have as yard decor. I thought I'd run out of "suns" for site photos but I had more than enough. Thought I'd share a few that may not make the cut but I enjoyed nonetheless.

Mid Day Sunlight On My Begonias

A celestial plaque adds interest to my fig tree planter.

A weathered and worn terra-cotta sun meshes well with a similarly weathered and worn  vintage gate.

A glow-in-the-dark plant stake absorbs and stores sunlight for later.

1 comment:

  1. Your photo's are so beautiful, I love all the green & blended color's. Botanical photo's are my favorite and you always have nice view's of so many flower's

    Like the celestial theme too!


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