Sunday, June 26, 2011


I did a quick search to try and find the name of this particular variety of lavender-blue clematis.  I came up with "Daniel Deronda".  I'll have to check around as I'm sure I have the species and care tag out in the garage with the rest I have saved.  I took these pictures over a month ago.  I just wish the blooms would last longer.  Who doesn't?  It looked especially good this year as I didn't prune it back much last fall.  I believe this is its fourth year in this location on my property.  Not too much sun in this spot either.  I have many shaded areas and often will give things a try that call for full-sun.  You just never know.  

I took these photos on a misty, cloudy morning which amplified the intensity of their color.    

Coming soon will be the wild clematis (Virgin's Bower) that I have draped and growing everywhere around the property.  They have such a wonderful smell.  It will be much welcomed since the strong fragrance of the initial blooming honeysuckle is beginning to fade.

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