Sunday, April 22, 2012

Happy Earth Day 2012

Despite a hectic month of outdoor projects (still in-process and which I'll share soon), I had to take a moment to wish you ALL a Happy Earth Day 2012!

Today you can recycle a plastic bottle, conserve water usage, pick up litter and dispose of it properly, plant a sapling or visit and join the Arbor Day Foundation.  Most of these you can do daily.

Every Little Bit Helps!

Please visit my pages on Green Living for more info on how you can help OUR WORLD

Earth Day Every Day

Thanks to all who Upcycle and Repurpose and there are a lot of you!  We are making a difference just by doing what we enjoy!  Keep up the great work.  I love seeing your ideas!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Green For Spring

The color green always signifies Spring and its arrival. This refreshing color however seems to have a soft-spot in my heart year-round. I find it soothing, comforting, welcoming and I know I'm not alone.

Green has been a top color for designers and decorators and has been prevalent in the home decor industry for the past couple years. Its growth (haha) doesn't seem to be waning either as evidenced by this recent advertising image from Wisteria . . .

"Bugs" are still a trendy motif and theme and I'm loving it!

. . . and this catalog cover they also are promoting.
I love fern prints and am glad to see they are still in vogue.  I've been using them for many years.
White against green walls looks wonderful doesn't it?  

As more and more people become "hip to" and embrace the subtle yet crisp beauty green offers, I expect we can see it sticking around for a long time . . . and I'm FINE with that!!!